Our people Make It Meaningful.

DBE Owners

Colleen Gants

Co-President | National Transportation Sector Lead

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Keri Shoemaker

Co-President | East Coast Environmental Sector Lead

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Diana Steeble

Managing Principal | National Healthcare Sector Lead

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Malika Klingler

Managing Principal

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Leadership Team

Diana Steeble
Diana Steeble

Managing Principal | National Healthcare Sector Lead

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Greg Eppich
Greg Eppich

Senior Director of Creative & Marketing

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Kyana Wheeler
Kyana Wheeler

Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

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Lynnette Bradbury
Lynnette Bradbury

Chief Financial Officer

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Lynsey Burgess
Lynsey Burgess

Director, Environmental Sector Lead-West

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Malika Klingler
Malika Klingler

Managing Principal

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Tillie Wakefield
Tillie Wakefield

Human Resources Manager

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Traceé Strum-Gilliam, AICP
Traceé Strum-Gilliam, AICP

Senior Director of East Coast Business Development | Transportation Sector Lead

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Alex Sobie
Alex Sobie

Design Director

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Brett Houghton
Brett Houghton

Director of Facilitation

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Chris Hernandez
Chris Hernandez

Creative Director, Multimedia

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Colleen Gants
Colleen Gants

Co-President | National Transportation Sector Lead

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Jennifer Rash
Jennifer Rash

Director, Transportation West

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Kate Gunby, Ph.D.
Kate Gunby, Ph.D.

Director of Research

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Katherine Diers
Katherine Diers

Senior Associate Director

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Keri Shoemaker
Keri Shoemaker

Co-President | East Coast Environmental Sector Lead

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Kristen Bishop
Kristen Bishop

Director, PRR Portland

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Laura LaBissoniere Miller
Laura LaBissoniere Miller


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Lauren  Foster
Lauren Foster

Senior Consultant, Internal Communications Manager

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Leigh-Ann Eng
Leigh-Ann Eng

Media Director

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Marshall Bell
Marshall Bell

Associate Director, Public Affairs Practice Lead

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May Sanders
May Sanders

Administrative Manager

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Miles Pomeroy
Miles Pomeroy

Director of IT

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Mindy Fitzgerald
Mindy Fitzgerald

Associate Director

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Paul Paladino
Paul Paladino

Associate Director, Accounting

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Equity Team

Ayako Shapiro

Community Engagement Specialist

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Brit Anderson

Human Resources Associate

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Chris Hernandez

Creative Director, Multimedia

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Kyana Wheeler

Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

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María Villarreal

Language Services Program Manager

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Michelle Auster

Community Engagement Specialist

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All Staff

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Day-to-day, my roles can range from field producer for photo and video shoots, to media strategist for client announcements, and direct mail campaign coordinator. I love the creativity in our work, and the mantra that the best idea wins. I always feel confident that we’re bringing our clients cool, tailored ideas that are a product of different styles of thinking coming together. Depending on the season you can find me rooting for Terps basketball (Go Maryland!) or catching up on Premier League soccer (Go Everton!). Other than that, I'm in class earning my Master's degree at night or trying to spend time with my family and friends throughout DC and Maryland.
Amy Kennedy
Account Director
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Community Engagement
Social Marketing
An Duong
Vietnamese Language Services Specialist
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Language Services
As deputy research practice lead at PRR, I enjoy helping clients better serve the community by understanding what people are thinking and feeling. I’m excited to bring skills honed through my Ph.D. in Political Science to my work alongside a stellar team at PRR—both in the research department and across our other offerings. Previous to PRR, I spent time studying politics of emerging markets and conducted fieldwork in West Africa. When I’m not at the office, I’m looking for any excuse to get outside or try new things. Whether it’s traveling, gardening, watching airplanes at the park with my daughter, or working on DIY home improvements, I try to stay on the move.
Anne Frugé, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate
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I help create avenues to integrate the needs and voices of affected communities into the planning and decision-making process of our clients. This can take many shapes, from planning equity workshops to writing a series of blog posts. My pre-PRR and current body of work centers on diversity equity and inclusion, with an emphasis on racial equity. Working at PRR gives me the opportunity to support a variety of projects alongside an incredibly intelligent and passionate team on issues that affect so many in our region. Outside of work, I’m on the Pratt Fine Arts board, teach youth dance classes, practice yoga, and get outside whenever I can.
Ayako Shapiro
Community Engagement Specialist
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Community Engagement
I support client social marketing efforts, helping to design campaigns, plan paid and digital media strategies, track analytics, and optimize as needed to meet established goals.  Working at PRR allows me to help educate others about important issues and projects while also using my skillset and creativity. I also help in my community alongside efforts like Artists in Activism and my own project to share the stories and photographs of people who are homeless in Seattle. In my personal time, I love to be active! If I can’t be outside, I’ll be indoor bouldering or playing volleyball.
Bree Narag
Senior Social Media Manager
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Creative Studio
Social Marketing
I provide support PRR Human Resources, with a focus on staff recruitment and on-boarding. This work lets me engage with people at every level of the organization and play a part in finding the right people to join our PRR family. Some of my favorite non-work-related topics include music and pop culture, and baking, hiking, and spending time with friends are all essential ingredients in my personal time.
Brit Anderson
Human Resources Associate
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As an associate on the research team, I assist clients in answering important questions by gathering data, designing surveys, analyzing data and reporting the results. And I love doing it beside my PRR talented, PRR colleagues on a daily basis. Outside of work, I like to volunteer at the humane society and spend time outside going on walks and tending my garden.
Brooklynn Galeno
Research Associate
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I help conduct efficient and culturally conscious public research that leads to an improved quality of life for our communities now and for future generations. Outside of work, I support nontraditional candidates for state and local elected office, and as a nationally certified competitive gymnastics judge, I help ensure that trans and nonbinary youth athletes can train and compete safely and equitably. In my free time I can be found hiking, tabletop gaming, and/or trying new recipes with my wife.
Bryan Peterson
Senior Research Project Coordinator
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Changemakers from coast to coast.

People are at the heart of our work, and we have some really great people.

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We help our clients change the world for the better. Interested in joining the team?

Vision statement of anti-racism.

An anti-racist PRR dismantles systems of advantage based on race when and wherever possible. We engage staff of all racial identities in dismantling white supremacy culture at work. This  includes personal ideologies, beliefs, and behaviors. And, it includes removing white supremacy culture from the systems, cultural messages, institutional policies, procedures, and practices that PRR and our staff interact with and inform. We believe it is not enough to be “not racist.” We must be “anti-racist.”