Our people Make It Meaningful.

DBE Owners

Colleen Gants

Co-President | National Transportation Sector Lead

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Keri Shoemaker

Co-President | East Coast Environmental Sector Lead

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Diana Steeble

Principal | National Healthcare Sector Lead

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Malika Klingler

Managing Principal

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Leadership Team

Diana Steeble
Diana Steeble

Principal | National Healthcare Sector Lead

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Greg Eppich
Greg Eppich

Senior Director of Creative & Marketing

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Kyana Wheeler
Kyana Wheeler

Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

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Lynnette Bradbury
Lynnette Bradbury

Chief Financial Officer

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Lynsey Burgess
Lynsey Burgess

Senior Director

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Malika Klingler
Malika Klingler

Managing Principal

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Tillie Wakefield
Tillie Wakefield

Human Resources Manager

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Traceé Strum-Gilliam, AICP
Traceé Strum-Gilliam, AICP

Senior Director of East Coast Business Development | Transportation Sector Lead

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Alex Sobie
Alex Sobie

Design Director

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Brett Houghton
Brett Houghton

Director of Facilitation

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Chris Hernandez
Chris Hernandez

Creative Director, Multimedia

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Colleen Gants
Colleen Gants

Co-President | National Transportation Sector Lead

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Jennifer Rash
Jennifer Rash

Director, Transportation West

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Kate Gunby, Ph.D.
Kate Gunby, Ph.D.

Director of Research

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Katherine Diers
Katherine Diers

Senior Associate Director

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Keri Shoemaker
Keri Shoemaker

Co-President | East Coast Environmental Sector Lead

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Kristen Bishop
Kristen Bishop

Director, PRR Portland

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Laura LaBissoniere Miller
Laura LaBissoniere Miller


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Leigh-Ann Eng
Leigh-Ann Eng

Media Director

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Marshall Bell
Marshall Bell

Associate Director, Public Affairs Practice Lead

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May Sanders
May Sanders

Administrative Manager

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Miles Pomeroy
Miles Pomeroy

Director of IT

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Mindy Fitzgerald
Mindy Fitzgerald

Deputy Director of Creative & Marketing

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Paul Paladino
Paul Paladino

Associate Director, Accounting

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Equity Team

Ayako Shapiro

Community Engagement Specialist

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Brit Anderson

Human Resources Associate

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Chris Hernandez

Creative Director, Multimedia

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Kyana Wheeler

Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

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María Villarreal

Language Services Program Manager

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Michelle Auster

Community Engagement Specialist

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All Staff

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I lead PRR’s language services team, providing our clients strategic advice about effectively reaching people who speak languages other than English, high-quality translation, transcreation, interpretation, and other language services. I also lead PRR’s facilitation practice, ensuring we include the right voices in the right conversations in the right way at the right time. This results in clients having the information they need to make the best possible decisions. I love supporting institutions and agencies effectively reaching marginalized communities, This includes facilitating conversations around issues that matter to them and to their communities. I value the opportunity to work with so many different projects, strategize with so many different agencies, and to learn how different groups and agencies conceptualize community outreach and communication. Out of the office, you can find me wrangling pigs and weeding on my small farm.
Brett Houghton
Director of Facilitation
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Community Engagement
I am fortunate to combine my more than 27 years of creative and marketing communications experience with a passion to motivate people, create spaces of community and belonging, and elevate social good. Leading the agency’s creative studio and marketing services teams, I am responsible for delivering strategic, creative, and relevant marketing solutions to our long list of purpose-driven clients. Outside the office, I love to travel and travel to live, having visited 37 countries and six continents to date. I also love history and architecture, and when the two come together on any given trip (near or far), I am in my happy place.
Greg Eppich
Senior Director of Creative & Marketing
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Creative Studio
Social Marketing
I lead the research team to ensure our clients get the information they need to make well-informed decisions and serve their communities. I love that at PRR, no two projects are the same. Each client has a unique context and definition of success, so we tailor our approaches, customize our analysis, and develop actionable recommendations so our clients excel. Outside of work, I enjoy working in the garden using permaculture design principles and spending time with my family and especially my Great Pyrenees dogs and fluffy cats.
Kate Gunby, Ph.D.
Director of Research
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I manage communications and public involvement programs for several regional transit, water quality, and environmental projects. As a northwest native, I love educating my community about the public policy issues we face and projects that are transforming our City. In my personal time, I enjoy traveling, cooking, spending time with family and friends, and taking my husky, Don James to UW football games.
Laura LaBissoniere Miller
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Community Engagement
As PRR’s Managing Principal, I oversee our operations, accounting, legal, HR, and IT teams. I love that I also get to spend my time (or lead) on our employee engagement and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives that support PRR’s mission to be an anti-racism company. When I have spare time, I’m traveling, entertaining, and spending quality time with family.
Malika Klingler
Managing Principal
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I am chiefly responsible for developing and executing strategies to help clients foster consensus-building outcomes and meaningful change. I have a passion for government relations and public policy, as well as for the on-the-ground engagement required to include community perspectives and experiences effectively and equitably in this work. Every day I come to work I’m constantly motivated to match the tireless commitment to professional excellence that my PRR team members demonstrate. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, perfecting my grilling skills, and rooting for my beloved Baltimore Ravens. I am also a huge political news nerd and Jeopardy fan, and can often be found on my couch alternating between flipping cable news channels and scanning social media platforms for the latest news, opinions and viral curiosities.
Marshall Bell
Associate Director, Public Affairs Practice Lead
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Community Engagement
Public Affairs
At PRR, I wear two hats as a web designer and marketing coordinator. In my web role, I help our clients create websites to support project objectives, with a focus on accessibility and design. In my marketing role, I assist with media buys to ensure campaign execution. Outside of work, I relax and recharge while indulging in my passions that include creating websites for friends’ small businesses, watching Formula 1 races, and working on my car.
Alejandro Huante
Web Designer
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Creative Studio
I’ve been a designer at PRR for a long time, so I know a lot about our clients and our past work. As design lead, I play an active role in most of the design work done in the PRR creative studio. I love everything we do design-wise, from the Washington Department of Transportation to the DC Streetcar. Logo conception is probably my favorite task. I develop brands, establishing look & feel for projects, and creating layouts for ads, print and online materials. Otherwise, find me running around North Seattle and spending time with my family.
Alex Sobie
Design Director
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Creative Studio

Changemakers from coast to coast.

People are at the heart of our work, and we have some really great people.

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We help our clients change the world for the better. Interested in joining the team?

Vision statement of anti-racism.

An anti-racist PRR dismantles systems of advantage based on race when and wherever possible. We engage staff of all racial identities in dismantling white supremacy culture at work. This  includes personal ideologies, beliefs, and behaviors. And, it includes removing white supremacy culture from the systems, cultural messages, institutional policies, procedures, and practices that PRR and our staff interact with and inform. We believe it is not enough to be “not racist.” We must be “anti-racist.”